Nursery Stock
Common Name: Crimson Pygmy' Barberry
Deep crimson leaves have bronze tinge. Waxy pale yellow to orange flowers produce red berries late Summer....
Common Name: Rose Glow' Barberry
Marbled rose-pink and deeper purple-red new foliage which deepens with maturity. Very adaptable. Sun. To 5'....
Common Name: Royal Burgundy' Barberry
Deciduous shrub with rosy pink new leaves. Mature foliage is red-purple to red-brown. Red fruit lasts fall and winter. Great accent or specimen....
Common Name: Young's Weeping Birch
Deciduous tree with graceful weeping branches and glossy diamond-shaped leaves. Attractive light colored bark year-round. Trained to a spiral form....
Common Name: Utilus Jacquemontii Himalayan Birch
Common Name: Blackberry
NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL MAY 1, 2012. Large, vigorous plant produces abundant fruit. Fruit makes excellent jams, jellies or desserts. Canes may be trained on a trellis. ...
Common Name: Gooseberry
Vigorous bush that produces loads of quality berries excellent for pies, jams, jellies and preserves....
Common Name: Black Currant
Small to medium-sized glossy purplish-black fruit with sweet flavor. Good for jelly and juice.Consort is a productive rust resistant European black currant. Clusters of medium size fruit mature in June on this small, compact bush 4-5' tall and wide. ...
Common Name: White Imperial Currant
Sweet fruit. When ripe berries become translucent. Very high vitamin C content. ...
Common Name: Amity Red Raspberry
NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL MAY 1, 2012. Large crops of sweet and juicy red berries. Strong, vigorous plant. Fruit is excellent for jams, jellies, desserts and pies. This Raspberry was selected (by Oregon Agr.Extension) for 2 crops of large dark-red, firm berries with classic taste & superior quality for eating, canning or freezing & for its disease resistance. ...
Common Name: Thornless Boysenberry
NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL MAY 1, 2012. Tender, sweet berries of black to reddish purple which are excellent for eating fresh or in pastries, jams and jellies. Self-pollinating. Bush is thornless making for easy picking. Prolific producer of sweet-tart, large, reddish fruit in midsummer of second season. Small white flowers precede fruit on thornless canes. Fruit can be eaten fresh, cooked or frozen. Deciduous. ...
Common Name: Chester Thornless Boysenberry
Tender, sweet berries of black to reddish purple which are excellent for eating fresh or in pastries, jams and jellies. Self-pollinating. Bush is thornless making for easy picking. One of the best self-pollinating blackberry varieties available because of its huge yield, sweet fruit, cold hardiness, resistance to cane blight and, of course, lack of thorns. Thorneless. ...
Common Name: Fall Gold Raspberry
Vigorous 'everbearing' raspberry with soft golden fruit. Good for fresh eating and other uses. Crops ripen in July and August into fall. A yellow-gold raspberry that is extremely sweet, similar to red raspberries in all respects but color. ...
Common Name: Heritage Red Raspberry
A hardy disease-resistant variety producing red fruit with great aroma and flavor for freezing, canning and pies. ...
Common Name: Kotata Blackberry
Thornless, trailing canes. Disease resistant. Large, firm, dark berries. Excellent for fresh picking and canning. Keeps well. ...
Common Name: Lochness Blackberry
Popular variety is thornless and proudces mild flavored juicy fruit late August thru Sept. Modern compact kinds such as 'Loch Ness' are more restrained and may be trained more like raspberries. The growth is semi-upright and thornless. ...
Common Name: Marion Blackberry
NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL MAY 1, 2012. Large, rich flavored, dark purple-red berries grow on vigorous, thorny plants. Famous old variety is an industry mainstay for good reason.This cross between a Chehalem and and Olallie blackberries was developed in 1956 at OSU and named for Marion County Oregon where 90% of the world’s Marionberries are grown. ...
Common Name: Siskiyou Blackberry
New trailing cultivar has outstanding disease and cold resistance. Very large, excellently flavored fruit ripens before Kotata. ...
Common Name: Triple Crown Blackberry
Newer, upright growing variety requires minimal training onto trellis. Vigorous canes bear large, sweet berries. Fruit is borne in large clusters throughout the erect 4-6' thornless canes. ...
Common Name: Waldo Blackberry
This thornless variety produces highly flavored, easy to pick berries. High yielding. Balckberry Waldo plants produce thornless canes and excellent quality dak, glossy fruit ripening from mid-late July. Completely thorn free variety. ...
Common Name: Willamette Red Raspberry
Large crops of sweet and juicy red berries. Strong, vigorous plant. Fruit is excellent for jams, jellies, desserts and pies.The canes can grow up to 10 feet long. Tasty dark red fruit appears in midsummer to fall of second year. A large crop ripens in summer and a smaller one later in the year. ...
Common Name: Benton Strawberry
NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL MAY 1, 2012. The fruit is very bright, excellent keeping quality, conic in shape, and the flavor is very good. The fruit is medium to large in size and is recommended for all parts of the Pacific Northwest. ...
Common Name: Fort Laramie Strawberry
NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL MAY 1, 2012. Fort Laramie Strawberry plants are very winter cold hardy. With dense leathery foliage it is resistant to leaf spot. Ft. Laramie is an ever-bearing cultivar that produces a smaller but more constant supply of berries throughout the growing season. ...
Common Name: Hood Strawberry
NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL MAY 1, 2012. Large, bright and glossy red fruit turning dark when fully ripe. Fine, sweet flavor, excellent fruit quality. Bears entire crop over a short period. ...
Common Name: Quinault Strawberry
NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL MAY 1, 2012. 'Quinault' is a newer everbearing variety that produces berries on unrooted runners. It is a great tasting strawberry developed by Washington State University. ...
Common Name:
NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL MAY 1, 2012. Plants produce relatively firm, conic fruit, which has a uniform, intense medium to dark red internal and external color. Totem plants have the potential to produce high yields. ...
Common Name: Berkeley Blueberry
This vigorous plant will grow almost twice as fast as other blueberries--to 6 to 7' tall. Medium sized, mild flavored berries. Fall leaf color is yellow orange, orange stems give winter color. Berkeley is a late midseason blueberry and carries attractive powder blue fruit with a pleasing light flavor and good dessert quality. ...
Common Name: Bluecrop Blueberry
Large clusters of light blue slightly tart berries. Excellent for fresh eating, canning or preserves. Ripens mid-July. Although blueberries are self-fertile, cross-pollination produces the best fruit crop larger berries and larger yields. Fruits ripen in mid season and the harvest goes on for weeks. ...
Common Name: Bluejay Blueberry
This vigorous plant will grow almost twice as fast as other blueberries--to 6 to 7' tall. Medium sized, mild flavored berries. Fall leaf color is yellow orange, orange stems give winter color. Early Midseason - This extremely vigorous variety will grow almost twice as fast as most other blueberries. ...
Common Name: Blueray Blueberry
This vigorous plant will grow almost twice as fast as other blueberries--to 6 to 7' tall. Medium sized, mild flavored berries. Fall leaf color is yellow orange, orange stems give winter color. This is the largest berry available Very sweet, huge light blue fruits resist cracking. Ripens in July and the harvest goes on for weeks. Mid Season. ...
Common Name: Chandler Blueberry
Vigorous bushes with dark green foliage produce exceptionally large, delicious berries. Long ripening season provides fruit for up to six weeks. Deciduous shrub with lance-shaped, mid-green leaves turning yellow or red in autumn, attractive white flowers in spring and early fruiting blueberries with a white bloom in summer. Mid to Late Season. ...
Common Name: Darrow Blueberry
The biggest berries--some fruit as large as fifty cent pieces. The barries are slightly flat and light blue. Darrow will grow to five or six feet. Attractive, vigorous, upright growing shrub. Late season, very large, light blue fruit with robust flavor. Vigorous. Orange-red fall color. Late Season. ...
Common Name: Draper Blueberry
The biggest berries--some fruit as large as fifty cent pieces. The barries are slightly flat and light blue. Darrow will grow to five or six feet. Attractive, vigorous, upright growing shrub. It features an abundance of magnificent blue berries in early summer, which are excellent for fresh eating. Mid Season. ...
Common Name: Duke Blueberry
Medium to large, light blue berries, have delicate mildly sweet flavor. Late blooming avoids late frosts. Big producer. Duke is a highbush cultivar that typically grows 5-7’ tall. It flowers late but fruits early, often producing an abundant crop of blueberries. Early Season. ...
Common Name: Earliblue Blueberry
Earliest ripening cultivar. Moderate yields of delicious large crack resistant berries. Red fall leaf color. Intolerant of wet growing sites. Very Early - First to ripen. Large, light blue, delicious sweet flavored berries. The upright bush produces stout canes with bright red wood and large glossy green leaves. ...
Common Name: Elliott Blueberry
Medium sized light blue berries ripen late season. Exceptionally productive, great for extending harvest. Plant Elliott blueberry with an earlier fruiting variety such as Jersey to have a summer long supply of fresh blueberries. Elliott produces very large, sweet berries in the late summer. Very Late Season. ...
Common Name: Hardiblue Blueberry
Hardiblue Blueberry. Heavy crops of medium sized, dark blue fruit. Brilliant yellow-orange foliage in the fall gives way to dark red wood in winter. Mid Season. Hardyblue is know for it's heavy crops and superior flavor of the berry. ...
Common Name: Jersey Blueberry
Hardiblue Blueberry. Heavy crops of medium sized, dark blue fruit. Brilliant yellow-orange foliage in the fall gives way to dark red wood in winter. Late Season. A heirloom classic and one of the most widely grown varieties. ...
Common Name: Nelson Blueberry
Earliest ripening cultivar. Moderate yields of delicious large crack resistant berries. Red fall leaf color. Intolerant of wet growing sites. Northern Highbush Blueberry. The large, sweet fruits in lateseason are sure to be a favorite. ...
Common Name: North Blue Blueberry
Light blue, very delicious berries. Grows to 5 to 6 feet tall with large glossy green leaves. Fall colors are orange and yellow. Does best in well drained, sandy loam with lots of organic matter. Mid Season. This is a great Landscape plant and proven producer of quality fruit in cold climates. ...
Common Name: North Country Blueberry
Light blue, very delicious berries. Grows to 5 to 6 feet tall with large glossy green leaves. Fall colors are orange and yellow. Does best in well drained, sandy loam with lots of organic matter. The fruit of Northcountry is medium sized and enveloped with a waxy bloom of attractive blue color. The flavor of the fresh fruit is sweet mild, typical of the lowbush blueberry. Early to Mid Seasonal Blueberry. ...
Common Name: Patriot Blueberry
Vigorous, productive plant bearing tight clusters of large, medium blue berries of excellent flavor. Can usually be picked twice. Fruits ripens in early July. Early Season. This is a cold hardy shrub that bears consistant crops and reflects lowbush parentage. ...
Common Name: Spartan Blueberry
Light blue, very delicious berries. Grows to 5 to 6 feet tall with large glossy green leaves. Fall colors are orange and yellow. Does best in well drained, sandy loam with lots of organic matter....
Common Name: Toro Blueberry
Light blue, very delicious berries. Grows to 5 to 6 feet tall with large glossy green leaves. Fall colors are orange and yellow. Does best in well drained, sandy loam with lots of organic matter....
Common Name: Faulkner Boxwood
Large dark green leaves have a glossy shine. Strong grower that can be shaped easily. Grows 4'to 5 in 10 years....
Common Name: Graham Blandy Boxwood
Graham Blandy has large green leaves, grows with a strong upright, columnar habit. Can be trimmed to form a backdrop or hedge by controlling height....
Common Name: Green Gem Boxwood
Small, rounded evergreen shrub with good winter hardiness and small, soft deep green leaves. Ideal for low hedge, edging or border. Tolerant of pruning....
Common Name: Green Mountain Boxwood
Beautiful, dense evergreen with bright green leaves that retain their color all winter. Natural cone-shaped form if left unsheared....
Common Name: Green Velvet Boxwood
Developed by Sheridan Nurseries. Grows naturally to a semi-spherical shape but lends itself well to shaping. Small leaf and compact grower. Dark green color....
Common Name: 'Winter Gem' Korean Boxwood
Small round glossy green leaves. Compact and dense growth habit. This is a hardier plant than Suffruticosa with good winter color. Larger leaves and more vigorous than 'Wintergreen' Grows to 3' in 10 years. ...
Common Name: Korean Boxwood Green Beauty
Common Name: Korean Boxwood
Small bright green leaves can be tipped with cream. Densley branched plant can make excellent untrimmed border or hedge plant. More cold hardy less compact than other boxwood....
Common Name: Korean Boxwood Wintergreen
Common Name: 'Sempervirens' Boxwood
Dense, rounded evergreen shrub. Masses of small, dark green leaves. Great for hedges or topiary. Very low maintenance....
Common Name: Dwarf Boxwood
Slow growing, compact evergreen shrub with unique, aromatic, dark blue-green foliage. Ideal for low hedge, edging or borders. Tolerates heavy pruning....
Common Name: Variegated Boxwood
Small, round, deep green leaves have cream colored margins. Slow growing, dense foliage. Slower growing than other boxwoods. Zone 4....